"Storm Corrosion"
"Storm Corrosion"
Storm Corrosion
Storm Corrosion
жанры: beautiful, ambient, experimental
альбомы: Storm Corrosion
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Someone is calling her shorewards Much like horses Raising dogs will sing to me Hold back the tears in my comfort We move forwards In these pauses the storm corrodes Maps of a lift to the scaffold On a nursery floor Begs aloud not to stay Cut from the stone in the quarry This old friend of mine In his silence the storm corrodes Passed on the second hand slips outwards Born in the curve the song drips endless Thrown out the boy believes in secret Grown up the dogs begin to reach it
Жанр - Twisted beautiful
Участники группы - Mikael Åkerfeldt, Steven Wilson
Компания звукозаписи - Roadrunner
Official page for Storm Corrosion, Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth) and Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree). http://www.omerch.eu/shop/stormcorrosion/
Official UK & European merch store for Storm Corrosion CDs, Vinyl, Shirts and more - http://www.omerch.eu/shop/stormcorrosion
http://www.stormcorrosion.com/ http://www.omerch.eu/shop/stormcorrosion/
STORM CORROSION is the long-discussed and highly anticipated collaboration between two of the current music scene's most innovative and multi-talented artists; Porcupine Tree's Steven Wilson and Mikael Åkerfeldt of Opeth. The pair have been friends since the early '00s, when Wilson co-produced Opeth's revered 'Blackwater Park' album.
Over the years, they'd often spoken of working on a project together, but it wasn't until recently that they managed to make something happen, when Mikael flew over to visit Steve in the UK and they ended up in Wilson's home studio throwing ideas around. That visit was the nascence of a whole self-titled album, written and produced by the pair and mixed by Wilson.
The sound of STORM CORROSION can best be described as enchanting, orchestral, ambient, epic (half the album's tracks clock in around the 10 minute mark) and nothing short of surprising to the new ear. However, the musicians' respective fanbases will be primed to appreciate the new output, with Wilson's recent solo album, 'Grace For Drowning' and Opeth's 'Heritage' having brought them to a logical place to understand STORM CORROSION.
The coming to fruition of a meeting of musical minds that has had fans of adventurous, progressive and heavy music shivering with anticipatory excitement for many years, Storm Corrosion is unlike anything you have ever heard. A collaboration between two of the modern era's greatest and most revered artists – Steven Wilson, prolific sonic polymath and frontman with UK prog standard bearers Porcupine Tree, and Mikael Åkerfeldt, leader and chief creative driving force for Swedish progressive metal legends Opeth – it takes the listener on an unprecedented journey into realms yet undiscovered.
"We never discussed what we were going to do," recalls Åkerfeldt. "I went down to hang out at Steven's house, and we drank wine and talked about music, but neither of us had anything prepared. We wrote the song ‘Drag Ropes' that first night, and we both thought it was pretty cool. We'd never heard anything like it and it doesn't really sound like our bands. We found our own niche, right then and there."
"It was special, different and intriguing," agrees Wilson. "We ran in the opposite direction of the idea of a prog metal supergroup that people had been talking about and expecting from us. It was a chance to delve into more experimental ideas. We were being wilfully self-indulgent in the best possible way, making music to please ourselves. There's something wonderfully pure and liberating about that you can hear that in these songs."
Wilson has mixed and contributed to several Opeth albums over the years, of course, but this is the first time that he and Åkerfeldt have written music together. Recorded at Wilson's No Man's Land studio in leafy Hertfordshire, England, Storm Corrosion is a six-song exploration of the outer limits of these two artists' febrile creativity. As with their individual recent works – Wilson's ‘Grace For Drowning' and Opeth's ‘Heritage' in particular – which have challenged their respective fan bases and added new, vibrant colours to once familiar aural palates, this album is an exercise in total musical freedom, wherein anything is possible and ideas are snatched from the ether and moulded into something utterly new, beguiling, disturbing, and otherworldly. From the sprawling, multi-faceted dynamic splurge of ‘Drag Ropes' and the unsettling sweep of title track through to the fragile menace of the closing ‘Ljudet Innan' (which means "ancient music" in Swedish), Storm Corrosion is an epic, disorientating trip.
"You can hear it in Opeth and in my music, the idea of taking something beautiful and destroying it," explains Wilson. "We have both always loved the idea of discord, of beauty, and ugliness side by side. Without being too pretentious, that's what life is like, so you hear a lot more of that coming out in Storm Corrosion. It's heavy, but without the use of the metal vocabulary. You can hear that on ‘Grace For Drowning' and on ‘Heritage' too. So I think, in many ways, this is the completion of a trilogy."
Although manifestly conceived in the grand, esoteric tradition of records like Talk Talk's ‘Spirit Of Eden' and Scott Walker's ‘The Drift', Storm Corrosion is unmistakably a work of intense originality and one that has grown organically from a process that has plainly thrilled its creators.
"It was very much a 50/50 effort and very easily achieved," states Åkerfeldt. "We just sat down, started from scratch and created it all from nothing. There's some beautiful music on there but it's a demanding record. If you're doing other shit as you listen to it, it's going to pass by like elevator muzak. You really have to sit down and pay attention! If you allow it to sink in, it could be a life companion…"
Anyone who has followed the careers of Wilson and Åkerfeldt should already be prepared to embrace the unexpected as their artistic sensibilities fully collide for the first time, but both men are resigned to the fact that Storm Corrosion is a deep and daring piece of work that will simply not strike a chord with every Opeth or Porcupine Tree fan. This is something else, something other…and it's truly extraordinary.
"For me, self-indulgence is one of the fundamental things about being an artist," Wilson concludes. "Do not make music or art to please other people. If you do, you've stopped being an artist and you've become an entertainer. This is a very cinematic, impressionistic and immersive record. We just got together and it poured out of us. With this record you're entering into a very unusual and unfamiliar sonic universe and that's a very exciting thing to be part of."